Thursday, September 8, 2016

Concept of Akal Takhat--Appointment of Jathedar


The foundation of AKAL TAKHT i.e. the throne of ALMIGHTY, was laid by Guru Hargobind Sahib on July 2, 1609 AD in front of Sri Harmandir Sahib in Amritsar, envisaging combining Divinity and worldly affairs. The concept of ‘MIRI’ I.e, worldly leadership and ‘PIRI’ I.e. spirituality / Divinity was established by Him by adorning two swords at the time of His succession as The Guru, by telling Baba Budha Ji to give him Two swords to wear. His aim was to inculcate the spirit of self respect and bravery among the people and kindle the light of self rule/independence in His countrymen. With aim in mind, heroic poems / ‘VARS’ were sung at AKAL TAKHT by the poets during His time, as per message of The Sikh Gurus in GURBANI. 
Accordingly, He kept AKAL TAKHT two feet higher than the throne of the Mughal king in Delhi, conveying the message very clearly and loudly that AKAL TAKHT is above any worldly throne. Even It’s construction was done by two Gursikhs only and no massion was engaged for this purpose. He gave sermons and held morning and evening congregations at AKAL TAKHT and took important socio-political decisions from here. Keeping in view the kindling of spirit of sovereignty in the people, He refused to return the falcon ( BAAZ ) of the Mughal emperor, which was caught by the Sikhs on His directions, as it was troubling and hurting a bird flying in air. Due to which Mughal ruler of Lahore attacked The Guru and thus He fought the first battle with Mughals at Amritsar and defeated them, conveying the message of sovereignty to the people.

But after Guru Gobind Singh Ji transferred Guruship to SRI GURU GRANTH SAHIB, the duty of giving directions from AKAL TAKHT in religious and worldly affairs was given to appointees called ‘Sarbrah’, during the times of Sikh Struggle.  Akali Phoola Singh, who was ‘Sarbrah’ AKAL TAKHT during the time of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, was a devout Sikh. He upheld Sikh tenets and acted very firmly, while giving exemplary punishment to Maharaja Ranjit Singh for having illicit relations with a prostitute, caring least that he was a Maharaja of Punjab.
After the formation of SGPC in 1925 AD, Jathedars Sri AKAL Takhat sahib were appointed by SGPC and Jathedars like Mohan Singh Tur and Gurdial Singh Ajnoha had acted firmly upholding the Sikh tenets. But after operation bluestar in 1984 A D, the most of the Jathedars Sri AKAL TAKHT Sahib have not been acting as per Sikh tenets, with the exception of Prof Darshan Singh, who acted firmly as per Sikh tenets and gave exemplary punishment to S Surjit Singh Barnala CM, PUNJAB, for carrying out operation black thunder in Sri Harmandir Sahib Amritsar.

The basic reason behind this downfall is that the Jathedars of AKAL TAKHT and other TAKHTS are that appointed by SGPC, which is remote controlled by politicians in control of SGPC. After the death of Gurcharan Singh Tohra, it is being controlled by by S.P.S.Badal since long, by giving tickets and getting elected his confidents members of SGPC and then President SGPC and other office bearers. Consequently, he has been misusing Jathedars of AKAL TAKHT to suit his political interests. This has badly tarnished the image and authority of Jathedar AKAL TAKHT, which is evident from the following facts:-
Nanakshahi calendar has been got repeatedly changed as per Bikrami calendar to please his mentors BJP/RSS, thereby ruining the basic concept of Nanakshahi calendar so much that, Parkash Gurpurab of Guru Gobind Singh Ji fell on the same day as that of ‘SHAHEEDI’ Gurpurab of Sahibzadas IN 2014. Gurpurab of Guru Gobind Singh Ji came twice in the year 2014 and it did not come at all in the year 2015. 
As per Nanakshahi calendar now being followed by SGPC, Even The CREATION OF KHALSA DAY ( Baisakhi) will come in winters one day instead of March/April, thereby undoing the concept of ‘Bara Maah’ in GURBANI, to which even Jathedars of TAKHTS have become blind, due to reasons best known to them.
Honouring S.P.S.Badal by AKAL TAKHT without any achievement for The PANTH. Rather he has badly damaged Panthic interests throughout his career and now ruined the youth of Punjab with the sale of liquor and other intoxicants in the state, as the per capita consumption of liquor/intoxicants in Punjab is highest in the world.
Getting appointed a RSS ideologue, Mr. Harcharan Singh as chief secretary SGPC at a huge abnormal salary of Rs three lacs per month, grossly misusing Guru’s Golak, for remote controlling of SGPC by RSS, for diluting the Sikh principles through SGPC. 
Getting issued Hukamnama from AKAL TAKHT exonerating Dera Sauda chief with the purpose of getting votes of Dera followers,  from previously issued Hukamnama for his misconduct of personifying Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji and duplicating Guru’s ‘AMRIT’ ceremony etc., and getting it again reversed after the Sikhs throughout the world reacted strongly against this decision of AKAL TAKHT.
Getting suspended 'Panj Piaras' of AKAL TAKHT, who acted as per wishes and sentiments of majority of Sikhs in the world and as per authority invested in them by DASAM PATSHAH and called Jathedar AKAL TAKHT and other Jathedars with him to explain their decision of exoneration of Dera Sauda chief, has crossed all limits of misuse of Jathedar AKAL TAKHT for vested political interests. 

7. The ‘Saroop’ of Sri Guru Granth Sahib(SGGS) had been stolen from a Gurdwara since 1st June 2015 but SAD Govt failed to trace it and catch the culprits even though they had challenged that they will desecrate SGGS, if their demands were not met. Then after about 4 months they desecrated SGGS, even then the Govt failed to act and trace the culprits and take suitable action. But instead fired at the peaceful protesters protesting against this inaction by the PB Govt despite such a heinous crime and killed two people and inflicted grievous injuries on hundreds of them. But despite repeated incidents of  sacrilege of SGGS, Jathedar AKAL TAKHT failed to take any concrete action. The basic causes for these are as below :-

1. The election of SGPC Members is held under the act of Parliament 1925, which was mischievously enacted by the British Govt to indirectly control The Gurdwaras and AKAL TAKHT through SGPC, after they got 'SIROPA' presented from S. ARUR SINGH, 'SARBRAH' AKAL TAKHT to Gen Dyer, who was responsible for heinous crime of killing hundreds of peaceful Sikhs/ other People in Jallianwala bagh in Amritsar in 1919 AD.

2. The election of SGPC members elected in 2012 A D, has been held null and void by the Supreme Court of India in the Sehajdhari case and are now under the control of Govt of India. which indirectly brings even Jathedars under the clutch of Indian govt. Evidently SGPC will now be remote controlled by RSS / BJP through their RSS representative, chief secretary SGPC appointed against specially created post with huge salary of 3 lakhs per month, 

3. The menace of intoxicants in the state has COMPLETELY destroyed the youth of Punjab and SAD/BJP govt runs on the revenue earnings from the sale of liquor in the state. If Gujarat Govt can run without sale of liquor, then why PB Govt cannot be run without the sale of liquor. But even under such disgusting state of affairs and moreover use of intoxicants being prohibited in ‘GURBANI,
JATHEDAR AKAL TAKHT has miserably failed to take any action.

Thus, keeping in view the concept of AKAL TAKHT, as envisaged by Guru Hargobind Sahib Ji and the above developments contrary to it, KHALSA PANTH needs to deliberate on the following REMEDIAL MEASURES BY CONVENING A SARBAT KHALSA BY ASSOCIATING ALL THE SIKHS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD:-

1. Jathedar OF AKAL TAKHAT and of other TAKHTS should be selected, as done by Christians, from the competent Sikhs throughout the world. Moreover they should not be under the control of SGPC, so that they act independently and take decisions as per Sikh tenets and with the voice of their inner conscience, in the larger interest of The KHALSA PANTH. 

2.THE KHALSA PANTH also needs to review that how the election of SGPC can be taken out of the control and preview of central Govt.

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